My Boys

My Boys
August James and Phoenix Noble

Family is Love

Family is Love

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I am a good mom and a good person too!

Sometimes we go through things in life that make us question our ability as parents and as people. Whenever I am feeling down, I remind myself that I live and breathe for my family and especially for my little man. I have faults, boy do I have faults- but I am a work in progress and I want to show my son that no matter what people say about you, it's important to stand tall and be confident in who you are as a person. I have always tried to do the right thing and most of the time that is the much harder path to take, but I have never regretted that path later on.
I know I am a good mom. I love my son with all my heart, I laugh with him everyday, I hold him tight when he is sad, I work hard to make his life great and I always try to set the best example I can.
 I know I am a good person. I try to be kind to all who cross my path. I am a loyal and dedicated friend. I think of others before I think of myself. I am supportive and always there when someone needs me. No one can convince me otherwise. My son knows this, my husband knows this, my family knows this and my friends know this. THOSE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHOSE OPINIONS MATTER TO ME!
There will always be those who look at your happiness as a threat to theirs or are jealous of the decisions you made that they didn't or couldn't make, but you need to be kind, even when that kindness is met with attack. Negativity breeds negativity. Sometimes people say hurtful things to you without knowing what you have been through, what you have battled and what you have overcome. Sometimes you just have to walk away because it's the only thing saving you from sinking into the darkness of depression when you have worked so hard to see the light.
This is a teaching point for my son- a life lesson- an opportunity to do the right thing. Forgive, be at peace, let the negative people and their negative energy bother someone else. Life is too short and too beautiful to be dwelling in drama created for drama's sake. I will hold my head high and spend time on what matters most- my son!
"How you treat me is your karma, how I react is mine."
Love and peace to all!

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