My Boys

My Boys
August James and Phoenix Noble

Family is Love

Family is Love

Friday, October 28, 2011

Blogging Again!!

Hi blog readers! I have, after much consideration, decided to blog again. I miss it! This time- no drama involved. If someone gets hold of this blog whom I don't want to read it -so be it. If they are that concerned with my life, that's their problem. Anyway, I will focus on all positivity anyway!

Well a LOT has happened since May. Tomorrow marks 5 months since I gave birth to the most awesome little human being in the world! Motherhood has been full of things I could not have even imagined. The love I feel for Gus is just amazing! The sleep deprivation was more than I could have ever bargained for. The pain of breastfeeding with two sore nipples and a blood blister that wouldn't heal for 3 months (not to mention the exhaustion of nursing every 1-2 hours) took me by surprise. The mama friends I have gained being a mother has been a blessing! My friends without kids loving August like their own family has amazed me. I also never knew that I wouldn't be able to watch news or tv shows based on children getting hurt, abducted or killed. I was overcome with tears one night when I saw a story on the news about a child being abused. Once you become a mom, you identify with ALL other moms and could not imagine the pain involved if your own child were to get hurt.

I am a mama now, and I try to be a damn good one. I feel like I am part of a "secret club" now with other moms. Once you have a kid, all you have to do is look at another woman with a baby, and you immediately understand what she is going through. Gus has changed my life so much. He has given me perspective. So many things that were once "important" to me, no longer hold a candle to spending time with Gus and Joel. I feel this incredible drive to make his childhood the best it can be. Petty stuff doesn't matter anymore. Going out to the bars for 5 hrs? I'd rather be home with my family. Cheesy, yes, but true. The day to day challenges of being a parent are tough, but worth it. No one can ever fully prepare you for being a parent, you just gotta jump in with both feet and hope for the best.

We have already been through so many adventures in a short 5 months! Teething started 2 weeks ago and now we have 2 bonafide teeth. Joel and I have had a couple of sleepless nights because of it. It's hard to believe my little baby already has 2 chompers!!! He has grown so much since he was born, it is amazing. My little newborn weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, quickly dropped to 7 pounds 3 ounces and now he's probably around 15 pounds!! He is a tall, slim baby and very, very active. He is super close to crawling, too. Once that starts, we have to childproof the house, which is going to be a huge chore with two stories full of hazards around every corner. August is a laid back happy baby 90% of the time. He definitely has his daddy's personality. He's also quite the ham already. He loves attention from people. Everyone who meets him loves him! It is hard to go grocery shopping because people stop me to comment on how cute he is. (I am biased I know but I think he's pretty cute too).

We are starting him on solids in 2 weeks and it should be pretty fun (and by fun I mean his diapers are going to change drastically haha). I have a bunch of frozen baby food I made ready for him to eat. We also ordered some bowls and spoons from Amazon that are made out of recycled milk jugs- pretty cool. We are trying to be as green as possible raising him, so we can teach him the importance of taking care of this earth. Once he starts eating solids, I know he will nurse a lot less and I am looking forward to the break. But at the same time, I know I will miss being the sole source of his sustenance. It's a step that needs to be taken, but a hard step just the same. When I was pregnant, I believed that I would be the hard nosed parent who never gave in to anything, but it's actually the opposite. I am the softie and Joel is the one who never gives in.

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