My Boys

My Boys
August James and Phoenix Noble

Family is Love

Family is Love

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

8 months old!

Having an active, precocious 8 month old at home has rendered me one exhausted mama. I haven't had a whole lot of time to spend 15 minutes just blogging in this blog, but since chores are done and AJ is down for his afternoon nap- I finally have some time!! 
Lately Joel and I have been working very hard to get Mr. Gussy James on a good sleeping schedule. He was going to bed around 10 or 11 and waking up at 4 or 5..which was not even close to enough sleep for him. So for the last 2 weeks, we have been doing a bedtime routine starting at 6:30 pm, nursing at 7:30 and then putting him to bed by 8 pm. He usually wakes up once at midnight or 1 am and then goes back to sleep until 5 am. At 5 he will nurse and then usually go back to sleep until 7 or 8 am.
This new routine has allowed me to have a lot more quality time with Joel in the evenings, as well as feeling much more rested. When Gus goes to bed that early, I can cook dinner and get all the cleaning done with Joel by 9 pm and then get to bed by 10. It's amazing what a difference a little schedule change makes!! 
Meanwhile- during the day, Gus keeps me very, very busy. He is crawling EVERYWHERE and trying to eat cords to lamps- you know, the usual! He just started to pull himself up, too. When I'm in the kitchen cooking, he will almost always follow me in and sit on the floor with a wooden spoon and just play while mama cooks. He loves being right next to me and I love having him there! 
His little personality is becoming very present and I love it! He is very happy, outgoing, laid back and clever. Just the other day I had the remotes on top of a blanket on the couch and as soon as he saw the remotes he made a beeline, grabbed the blanket and pulled it toward him to get to the remotes...he is such a little turkey! 
We had a long pediatrician appointment on Monday and Gus got 3 shots and 2 finger pokes (to check for lead and iron) .  He was super happy and cooperative the entire appointment until the shots and the crying began. I held him right away with his lovey blanket and a pacifier and he calmed right down. I am amazed that I am one of the only people that he NEEDS to be comforted...hope he will always come to me when he needs comforted, even when he's an adult...Anyway, turns out he is in the 7th percentile for weight at 16 pound 6 ounces and the 50th percentile for height (27.5 inches) and head circ. The Dr. said that since he has gained weight since his 4 month checkup, that there is no reason to be concerned. He is just an active baby and she thinks he is burning a lot of calories. I was very proud to hear that his iron level were above average because we are not feeding him any meat, at least for the 1st year, just because we actually eat a mainly vegetarian diet as well. But I have been feeding him flax seed meal, lentils, brown rice and beans, black eyed peas, cream of wheat and other iron and protein rich vegetarian foods. We are also going to start him on full fat yogurt here in the next week. We don't want to do any cow's milk products the 1st year either (mainly because human bodies are not designed to digest cow's milk and it can cause a lot of issues) so we will be doing goat's milk yogurt instead. I have never tried goat's milk, but I love goat cheese so I am sure it will be perfect for our family to eat and Gus as well. 
He is also starting to "talk" all the time...his favorite right now is "blah blah blah blah blah" and  " bababababa". I have tried getting him to say mama or dada, but no luck yet! 
On the homefront- I am losing weight (almost 6 pounds this week so far!) and getting healthy in preparation for pregnancy #2. Joel and I are going to start trying here in the next couple of months and I will be ready! In the last few weeks I have really thought about going through labor/birth again and being pregnant for a 2nd time. I had such an easy pregnancy (overall) and I had an AMAZING experience at the birth center for labor so I am more than ready for round #2. This time next year, I may be a mama to two kids under 2! I will be tired but oh so happy! I also think I have convinced Joel of a possible boy's starts with a "P" and it's origins are in Greek mythology. I really like it but we will see what becomes of it....
I hope in the next couple of months to really grown my in home daycare business and become completely financially stable. I would love to have the option of just staying home full time and not having to work every weekend at a very, very mentally exhausting and stressful job. I so enjoy being home with my baby and cooking to my heart's desire. I don't like leaving him during the makes me sad even thinking about it. I know all working mamas feel the same way and know how hard it is! 
Until next time.....

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