Monday, May 27, 2013

Phoenix Noble is 5 months old!

May 28th, 2013

Man do I love this kid! He has the biggest, roundest, most heartfelt eyes I have ever seen. His hair is a beautiful light strawberry blonde color and he has the best baby smile ever! 
I'm pretty sure he is going to be my sensitive soul child and I adore that! 
His giggle puts an instant grin on my face and his eyes light up whenever I enter the room (afterall- he does love the woman that provides him with an endless supply of milk). He loves it when I put my forehead flush against his and just stare at him....He is my favorite reason to lose sleep (and let me tell you we are losing a LOT of sleep lately thanks to Mr. I-want-to-nurse-every-2-hrs-during-the-night and then wake up screaming at 6 am every morning!)
I love pinching his chubby little legs and kissing his sweet baby cheeks. 
He is crawling and often goes up on his tippy toes (like a downward facing dog in yoga) to try and scoot around. He is growing up way too fast but he will ALWAYS be my baby boy, no matter how old he is (hear that Phoenix) ?
He has brought us lots of laughter, smiles and taught us to be more patient parents. 

I love you Babybird, 
Happy 5 months! 

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