Monday, May 27, 2013

I am proud to call myself a RUNNER!

I follow a group called "run like a mother" on facebook and a couple of weeks ago they posted a quote from someone claiming that if you didn't run an 8 minute mile or faster, you could not call yourself a runner. 
I was mad after I read this. Mad mad mad. Fuming, even. 
There are so many people out there running that are no where NEAR an 8 minute mile (me included) and because we don't meet some invisible elite running standard, we are not considered real runners? I beg to differ. 
I started my journey to running a mere 5 weeks after having my second baby (and surgery to remove a retained placenta after birth) and here it is less than 4 months later and I think I can finally own the term "runner" for myself!
I began by running 1 minute at a time in between walking and worked my way up to a mile, then 2 miles then 3 miles. It wasn't easy and I had a lot of "bad running days" where I just felt slow as a slug. But I never waivered, never gave up and I kept at it. I never ran less than 4 days a week and a lot of times I was running 6 days a week (and still am).
So far I have gutted out 3 5k's (one with a very sore/sprained ankle)and have at least 3 more 5ks to do before the end of summer and a 10k in August. 
None of my races so far have been smooth.
My first 5k I had no ipod since there was supposed to be music on the course (there was 1 speaker for the entire course). My second 5k I was running and passed the first mile marker when my runkeeper on my phone came on and announced I was running just under a 10 minute mile, music was going strong and then 10 seconds later my phone flew out of my running pouch, the case broke on the pavement and I had to try and get my headphones back in and jog while trying to get my music back up (it never would turn on again, yay for finishing my 2nd race with NO MUSIC) and had to hand my broken case to a volunteer on the course.
My 3rd 5k I had a different holder for my phone so my phone could NOT come loose, but it is spandex and goes on my arm so once my phone is in there and hooked up it's hard to get out without stopping and trying to pry it out. I made a great pumped up playlist and was ready to go. I had my playlist set up to "repeat all" just in case because I did not want to go without music this time. Well Joel was checking my playlist on the way to the race and accidently hit "repeat 1" . I was at the starting line with my phone in my holder, music on, headphones in when I noticed the 1 song was playing over and over again. So for that race I listened to the same Flogging Molly song for 37 minutes. I have the worst luck with my music, but maybe my next race everything will go just right. I can only hope.
I powered through each of those races and had my family cheering me on during them and my kids were always waiting at the finish line (although Phoenix always falls asleep during my races). I can honestly say I never thought I would get to this point.

I am not fast by any means ( on a good day I run at a 10:30 minute pace and on a bad day I am pushing 12 minute miles, go ahead and laugh at my slow pace but I am proud) and most days I don't particularly "like" running but damnit if I am not out there 5 days a week working hard on becoming better. I have come a long way and I got a long way to go. I WILL GET THERE! 
I was feeling kind of down about running earlier today and then I realized that I have a million excuses NOT to run, but I always end up running. Here are the myriad of excuses I COULD use:

I have no time
I'm tired
I had a baby 5 months ago
I'm sore
I don't feel like it
I don't want to run in this weather
It's uncomfortable to run with these huge boobs (even with an Enell sportsbra)
I'm a busy mom of 2 under 2
I have chores to do
My hip hurts
My ankle is sore
I'm not in the right state of mind
It takes too long to get ready
I need to nurse/pump/eat/drink before I go
I hate running
I have a hard run today
I have an easy run so I can skip it

.....but for almost 4 months I have consistently been out there pounding the pavement and I have got to give myself credit for that. I am so hard on myself and I tend to compare my running to my husband (who is a really talented runner)and I need to learn that I am my own person with my own circumstances and I am doing the best that I can. I can't compare myself to anyone except who I was yesterday! 
I can finally say I'm a RUNNER. 
I've worked hard. I will continue to work hard. Running doesn't come easy to me and probably never will but it helps me keep my sanity and sets a great example of health and fitness for my kids. It clears my mind. It teaches me the importance of perseverance and determination. I have learned that when I feel like giving up, I just have to put one foot in front of the other and I will finish. I have learned that no matter how tired or mentally finished I am, I can and will always sprint the last minute of my race until I reach the finish line. 
I am conquering something that is very challenging for me. And I am winning. 
So for the misinformed, pretentious and judgemental "runner" that said that thoughtless quote, I have one thing to say to you: My name is Wendy, I am no where near an 8 minute mile and I am proud as hell to call myself a runner! I have worked hard for that title, and you, nor anyone else can take it from me. Why don't you focus on inspiring and motivating other people to run instead of cutting people down so you can feel superior? 
I say run on fellow runners, no matter how fast or slow you are, we are all in this together! 
Stay calm and RUN ON!
Mother's Day 2013, after finishing my 2nd 5k!

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