Monday, June 3, 2013

My Mirena Experience

Finding a birth control method that works well with breastfeeding is a nightmare, especially when your body is extremely sensitive to hormones being released into the system. 
Shortly after I had August, I went on the mini-pill. Not only can it vary in effectiveness (95% with perfect use but much less with user error), it was really challenging to remember to take it at the EXACT same time every day. Unlike the regular birth control pill, the mini pill has no leeway when it comes to the time of day you take it. Being a new first time mom made it almost impossible to remember to take it at the same time every day. Eventually, I just didn't hassle with the stress and stopped taking it all together.
Fast forward to my post natal appointment after having Phoenix and the discussion of birth control came up. Since my last labor was very scary with the retained placenta and a severe post partum hemorrhage and an emergency transfer to the hospital, we decided to wait a while before having our next baby. Confound that fact with my husband losing his job when Phoenix was 7 weeks old and we definitely needed a very effective and reliable short term, breastfeeding- safe form of birth control. Iud's where mentioned and discussed and Joel and I decided that it was the best option for me.
There were supposed to be many positive side effects of the IUD. Easy placement, extremely effective birth control (99.9 %), low risks, and it would last up to 5 years if we needed it too. Insurance covered 100% of the cost, as well, which was a bonus. 
when Phoenix was 8 weeks old, I went in and had the Mirena IUD placed the day before our insurance was to be terminated based on Joel losing his job. The placement itself was a little uncomfortable, but as long as you've had a vaginal birth it shouldn't be too bad. I had a lot of cramping and bleeding the first day and felt intense cramping during the actual placement. I was very excited to have a birth control that took care of itself without me having to remember to take something at the same time every day.
Unfortunately my excitement only lasted about a week. the beginning of week 2 I started having severely debilitating nightmares. It was a variation of the same nightmare every time. I would be unable to breathe and Joel and my kids would try to get me to stay awake and then everything would go black and I would die. I would wake up drenched in sweat and terrified. When I fell back asleep, the nightmare would continue. There was no reprieve. They were so realistic and bad that I actually refused to sleep for almost 2 days. I was that horrified. I had never experienced anything like that so I did some research online and found that it was a less common side effect of the hormones being released from the mirena. And because it occurred in the first 2 weeks of placement I have a feeling my body was reacting to these new hormones that were flooding my system out of nowhere. The nightmares stopped after about a week, but they were bad enough for me to make me re-think my decision to have the IUD placed. But I figured it would be more hassle than it was worth and the fact that it was convenient over-rode any second thoughts as long as the nightmares stayed away.
Then I started to feel on edge and overwhelmed at the smallest things. My patience level was at 0 and I cried often. I was in denial that anything was different, but there was a huge discrepancy between how I felt with the Mirena in and how I felt before having it placed.
The straw that broke the camel's back came when I weighed myself for the first time in two months yesterday morning. I was shocked to see that even after running 5-6 days a week, lifting weights, walking and keeping the same eating habits for over 3 months and breastfeeding around the clock,  I had gained 8 pounds! Although the company that manufactures Mirena claims it will not cause weight gain, all you have to do is google side effects of Mirena and many, many women tell a different story. 
I am not alone with these less than pleasant side effects and yesterday I finally decided to get it removed. Although it scares me to go back on the mini-pill, I am just not comfortable keeping the Mirena in and having more or worse side effects and gaining more weight when I was losing weight steadily before I got it placed. I'm just not willing to take the chance anymore. I have an appointment on Friday and it cannot come soon enough. I am ready to feel like myself again. I had absolutely no side effects when I was on the mini pill before, and although it is a pain to remember to take it, I am willing to deal with the inconvenience to avoid all of the unpleasant side effects of the Mirena. I have learned over the years, that like many other women, my body is extremely sensitive to synthetic hormones from birth control. The only birth control I have never had issues with is the mini pill (low hormone) and the lo hormone birth control pill. So from now on I am sticking to that. 
If you are thinking of getting the Mirena, please consider some of the side effects that could happen. There has even been a lawsuit filed against the makers of Mirena because a lot of these side effects are not disclosed by health care providers or in the actual paperwork given. I know I wasn't warned by the OBGYN who placed mine. He just told me I'd love it. He was wrong....

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