Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Here's to all the Moms

We may have differences. Some of us breastfeed. Some of us use formula. Some of us had c-sections, some of us had a vaginal birth. We all use different techniques to parent. Some are co-sleepers, some are not. Some of us stay home with the kids, some of us have a career outside the home. Some of us have wives, some of us have husbands and some of us are rocking the single parent thing. Some of us use disposables, some of us use cloth. Some of us use pacifiers, others do not.
We all have our differences, but we share so much.
We all have our fair share of sleepless nights. We all want what is best for our children.
We all come to our wits end only to hear"I love you mama" followed by a sweet smile to make it all worth it.
We all want to teach our children right from wrong.
We are all busy, exhausted, happy and have the best job on earth.
Above all else, we all love our kids and we are all MOMS.
Embrace each other, support each other and praise another mama today!

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