Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Playdate in April

Dancing boys!

About once every month or two months, we get together with some good friends of ours to have playdates. Paul and Jen have Eliot, who is 2 1/2 yrs old and Bett and Josh have Oliver, who is also 2 1/2. Joel worked with Paul, Josh and Bett for years so now that he doesn't work at Wells anymore, he especially likes seeing those guys again.
My friend Jen is super mom and always makes really awesome gift bags for all the boys and does fun little activites for them too. Plus she makes great food to munch on! It's always a good time for all to hang out. The last playdate was just Eliot and Gus at our house while Jen and Paul went out to a movie with a friend. Here are the ADORABLE pictures from this playdate:

We started off stacking some blocks

This is what 2 toddlers can do in 10 minutes!

Playing together so nicely

Playing with cool toys

Eliot and his cool hair. I love this kid!

Such good friends

Eliot 2.5 yrs, Gus 20 months

Singing the ABC's together


These dudes have some cool hair!

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