Monday, July 9, 2012

Pregnancy: 16 weeks!

Wow! 16 weeks pregnant already, 2nd trimester and everything is going great! My nausea is almost gone (yay!), I am feeling a little more energetic and I have a new found sciatica problem. My belly seems much more rounded this time around, not as weird shaped as it was with Mr. Gus.
I absolutely can't wait to get our 1st ultrasound, either! I am anxious to find out the sex and see our little one moving around for the very first time in person! I haven't felt any little flutters yet, but I am sure that will occur soon! Once we find out the sex, it will be a little easier to shop for clothes and finalize a name! Joel is still 100% convinced it's a girl, Chinese birth predictor says it's a girl too. We will see if they are right!
I have a lovely case of pregnancy induced sciatica- which is pretty common, but very painful. I had it with Gus in the 1st trimester but it quickly went away. This time, it seems to be sticking around and it hasn't been the most fun thing I have dealt with ever but it has felt better the last 2 days so I am hoping it's starting to ease. If it doesn't, my midwives will send me to an acupuncturist to try and help with the issue.
I keep thinking about how crazy it is that I am due Christmas Eve and how special it will be to have a winter baby. I am assuming this baby probably won't come on time (I was 9 days late with Gus) so I am just anticipating being pregnant into the beginning of January- just to prepare myself. I am really hoping my labor is a little quicker moving this time around (which it should be!) but I absolutely cannot wait to go through labor again. I know that sounds crazy, and weird, but it the most amazing "high" ever. I mean don't get me wrong- there are definitely not fun parts of labor (the beginning with all the cramping/vomiting/cleaning out of your systems and just feeling like shit in general and the intensity of transition). But giving birth and holding your baby for the very first time and knowing that you were able to bring a life into this world through the pure strength of your own body- doesn't get much better than that I tell ya! And 2 of my midwives from last time are on my birth team so I am super excited to have them again!
I know that time will fly and before I know it, it will be December and we will be close to welcoming our newest family member into the household!
I have a lot of plans/goals to accomplish before the new baby.

  1. We are going to transition Gus into a big boy bed about a month before baby arrives
  2. We will start the "process" of potty training-if he's showing signs of readiness.
  3. We will be able to hopefully buy a new car. 
  4. We will pay off our entire deductible and bill to Alma.
  5. Paint and convert the playroom into Gus' new room
All these goals may not be accomplished, but that's what we are shooting for at least.
On the Gus front, many things are happening! He is SO CLOSE to walking. I believe he could take steps if we let him go, but instead he sits down not wanting to go on his own yet. He stands on his own for minutes at a time and will walk while only holding onto 1 finger of ours but the little turkey is being stubborn about doing it on his own. He will get there though!
His speech has changed dramatically in the last 2 weeks. He is babbling so much more now and he will gets into throwing his hands up in the air and increasing his volume. He especially likes "Talking" to Robert while he's in the kitchen. It's the most hilarious thing ever. He is starting to form words now too, instead of just sounds. It's amazing to watch him develop like this. We have been reading like crazy to him lately (more so than usual) and he almost always signs "please" after we are done reading a book because he wants us to read it again. He will sit on the floor and "read" through his books while he talks too. It's super cute! I love that we are raising a reader!

He has also recently been into throwing anything and everything. I have no clue where he suddenly picked this up from, but it's super annoying. Especially at meal time. He will take 2 bites and throw the rest on the floor. We have been steadfast about saying "no" and then taking the food away. We don't want to make it a huge deal and give him a big reaction because then he will want to continue to do it for the reaction.
A.J. has now been sleeping 10-12 hours STRAIGHT a night for almost 2 months now. Let me tell you how great this is! I actually get SLEEP at night now. It's so awesome because I know soon enough I will again be very sleep deprived! At least this time around I know to expect to nurse every 1-2 hours around the clock for the first 2 months. And we have tons of family and friends that will be our support system to help us out with Gus if we ever need it. I feel so thankful for these people! It's great to know that they are just a phone call away!
The last 3 nights, Gus has slept in our room because the AC is in our window and it was almost 90 degrees all night long in his room. Too hot. He's been sleeping great with us though. Except the other night we attempted to put him to bed with just a diaper on hoping it would keep him cool and he FREAKED out. AS soon as we put pajamas on him he was fine but man it really got to him that we didn't do our regular routine of pajama time before bed. The boy wants his pj's I guess!
I'm sure there is more stuff to update since I have not written a blog in awhile, but it will have to wait! I am headed to bed!

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