My Boys

My Boys
August James and Phoenix Noble

Family is Love

Family is Love

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

May 29, 2012: August James turns 1!

Wow! Has a year really passed since I  held my beautiful baby boy for the first time ever? You always hear that time goes by so fast when you have kids...well that is certainly true! I really am having trouble with the fact that my little lovebug is 1 already. In my mind, I have already fast forwarded to the time when he graduates high school and moves out of the house and I know it will happen so much faster than I want it to!! On the other hand, it has been such a joy and blessing to be able to witness this amazing human being grow and develop right before my very eyes! He is now doing the sign for "please" as well as "milk" and we are trying to teach him to use "thank you" consistently, but not luck yet! I have been starting the process of weaning him for the last month (actually HE started it on his own but suddenly dropping middle of the night feeding and it has just kind of progressed from there). Now we are down to nursing once in the morning when he first wakes up and once at night right before he goes to bed. It's crazy how quickly the weaning has naturally occurred! I did not think he would wean this easily, but kind of glad he has. Next week I will work on dropping the morning feeding and then we will progress to dropping the night-time feeding, which I am sure will be a challenge but we'll get through it! Since he is now 1 and needs another source of milk besides breastmilk, we have introduced goat milk to him. We decided long ago not to do the typical cow's milk thing for many reasons. The main one being that humans, especially human  babies, do not digest the enzymes in cow's milk well at all! Humans actually are not designed to drink the stuff! Joel and I very, very rarely drink cow's milk anymore either so we knew we wanted an alternative for August. We thought about soy milk, but it tends to have quite a bit of sugar added to it and we didn't want that at all. Almond milk was another great idea, but with risk of allergies to nuts, we didn't want to go that route, either. We researched online and discovered that goat milk was a fabulous alternative to cow's milk. The only difference really is that goat milk is MUCH easier to digest, has a slightly lower sugar milk content and it has no folic acid (so you have to supplement or buy a milk that has folic acid added into it). Gus loves it so far and we are very happy with our decision. We buy our goat milk at Trader Joe's (reasonably priced, especially compared to Whole Foods ouch!!) and it is certified humane and has no rbst or any sort of hormones/chemicals added in like run of the mill cow's milk does. We also give him goat milk yogurt instead of yogurt made from cow's milk, which we also buy at Trader Joes! I digress, enough about goat milk!!!
Our big Birthday Partay for the Gussy James is this Sunday and WE CAN'T WAIT!! Joel and I have been hard at work on some pretty cool birthday projects and we have a really awesome surprise planned for all of our guests! I have started work on my ever present and handy dandy check list of things to do before the party and the day of. If there is one thing I am good at, it's entertaining and throwing an awesome party for someone I love so I KNOW it will be absolutely fantastic! I know that everyone says don't go all out for their first birthday because they won't remember it, but I know he will feel the love from all of the friends and family that care about him so much! He will have lots of his buddies coming too to play and he'll have a blast, I'm sure!

UPDATE: We have since had a wonderful birthday celebration for our little lovebug and it was absolutely perfect. There were around 50 people that showed up, our cake turned out really great, food turned out ok and Gus got waaaaaay spoiled with TONS of super cool gifts from people! It was so nice to be surrounded by the ones we care about so much on his special meant a lot to us and I know it means a lot to Gus! Once again a HUGE thank you goes out to everyone who took time to come and celebrate with us! We love you all!

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