My Boys

My Boys
August James and Phoenix Noble

Family is Love

Family is Love

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Father's Day/Summertime Fun

Summer is officially in full force around here with temps in the 80's yesterday and today and we are taking advantage of every second of the warm weather!
Last weekend was Father's Day and Joel walked with the Wells Fargo Pride group in the gay pride parade. He is the social chair of Pride and I am always so proud of him being an ally!! It sets such a fantastic example for Gus and it just reminds me how awesome of a husband I have!
Joel took Gus in the Ergo and walked with him while I watched the whole parade from the sidelines (this year's Pride was the best one yet). WF had to have plain-clothes security walk with them because of some threats made by an anarchist group so that was kind of scary, but I felt better with the security walking with them!

After the parade, we went and volunteered at the WF booth at the festival and everyone loved seeing Gus! We walked around a bit and then headed over to NE Portland to go out for Father's Day dinner with the family! We went to Bernie's Southern Bistro, which was a bit overpriced but very good. August ate about 2 pounds of cornbread while we were there and some hushpuppies too. Joel and I shared some fried chicken, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, hushpuppies, salad with some smoked tomato dressing and some of the best mac and cheese I have ever had! Dale also ordered some fried oysters that were to die for!  The boy is a bottomless pit when it comes to food, I swear. Even though we were completely stuffed after dinner, we HAD to go to the best ice cream shop in Portland; Salt and Straw. It is beyond good! I had salted caramel and a marionberry coconut brittle ice cream. Joel had balsalmic strawberry and so did Heather. Dale had chocolate gooey fudge brownie. It hit the spot! Gus also met a girl around his age outside of the ice cream shop and they stared at each other for quite a bit. It was super cute!

Earlier in the week Gus had a "pizza party" with his best buddy Eliot while Joel and I went and celebrated a friend's birthday! It's so comforting to have good friends who have similar parenting styles and are as laid back and humorous about parenting as we are! Eliot is such a cute and really good kiddo too! Him, Oliver and Gus are going to grow up together as great friends I hope!

Yesterday my friend Jenna and her adorable little Emily met us for a nice hour long walk through a park in Hillsboro. Emily is a super good baby and has the most adorable chubby cheeks ever! It was great to get a workout in before it got super hot outside too! After our walk we went to Target to waste time before Red Robin opened for lunch. I forgot how good Red Robin's fries are.....oh my they are dangerous! Emily and Gus were both pretty dang good during lunch so we got lucky! Gus fell asleep on the way home so the walk/lunch really wore him out!
One of August's birthday presents from Mama and Dada got some serious use this last week. We got him a super cute kid pool for the backyard so I brought that out on Saturday when it was hot outside and he had a blast playing in it for 2 hours or so. His favorite thing to do was climb in and out of the pool and also putting his towel in the water. Go figure.
We also did a family sushi night this week at our favorite; SanSai in NW Portland. Gus is now a sushi FIEND, no surprise there. His favorite are avocado rolls and fresh salmon (he takes after his mama). He makes a huge mess, but he loves loves loves sushi....he is our son, afterall.

Tonight, Joel and I are taking him to one of our favorite parks in Hillsboro that has a great kid's fountain and some really, really cool play structures. I can't wait to see his reaction to the fountain since we have never taken him to one!
In other news, Gus has been loving sleeping with all his blankets and buddies (his crib is FULL of various loveys and stuffed animals and blankets). He has been sleeping from about 7:30 pm to 6:30 am, which has been SUPER nice for this pregnant mama. This last month has been the first time I have gotten more than 6 hours of sleep a night since he was born! He has also been completely weaned for about 2 weeks now and it was all him who did it. He was ready, I guess. It makes me sad knowing I will never nurse my little lovebug again, but at the same time I know I am going to be doing it all over again in a very short time!
Speaking of, I am almost 14 weeks pregnant and I seem to have grown a very round baby bump overnight this week! All of a sudden I look super pregnant. I am also getting my energy back, which has been so fabulous! I am actually able to do laundry and dishes and make lunch and dinner and not be completely exhausted! I am still a little nauseous off and on but I am really hoping that eases more and more. I have another prenatal appointment on Wednesday and I am excited to hear the heartbeat again and probably schedule our ultrasound to find out the sex! It will be nice to know what we are having so I can start shopping for stuff! Joel is absolutely convinced it's a little girl, but I think he may be wrong. All I know is, boy or girl our life is about to get even MORE crazy with 2 kids under 2!
So here's to a great, busy, fun-filled summer that is sure to go by way too fast! I can't wait for more hikes, farmer's markets, running through the fountains downtown and urban exploring with our little guy! Life is good!

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