Tuesday, June 12, 2012

#2 is on the way......

Well our plan to start trying for a baby in June went out the window when we surprisingly found out that we were pregnant....in April! 
It all started with me running 3-5 miles, 5 days a week. I was going to bed at 8 or 9 and waking up at 6  and STILL feeling dead tired. If you have been pregnant, you know that one of the first signs is EXTREME fatigue. I mean it feels like you have been hit by a truck and you can never get enough sleep. So I knew something was going on but attributed it to running so much. 
Then I was late. I am never late. Ever. But I thought, hey I am exercising a lot and that could affect my cycle so maybe that's it. After about a week, I decided to go buy a pregnancy test just to "rule it out". I was convinced I wasn't pregnant but just wanted to confirm. So I bought the two pack of pregnancy test that was on sale; clear blue. I will NEVER use this brand again. The first one I took "malfunctioned" and the screen didn't activate...which was $7.50 wasted. I was pissed. So I took the 2nd one and low and behold a very distinct positive sign comes up. I was floored. Joel wasn't home but he knew I had bought the tests. So I immediately started scheming on how to tell him my surprising news. I texted him and told him I finally got my period so there was no need to worry about being pregnant anymore. We had had a scare a few months earlier so I knew he would buy right into it and he did...saying something along the lines of "I told you so." I figured out through some calculations that I would be due sometime in late December. When he got home, I had Gus in a shirt that said "Big Brother coming December" but I hid it under a zip up hoodie and just waited for him to notice it eventually. Finally I asked him to get Gus undressed so he could take a bath and of course he stalled and stalled until I kept nagging him. Finally he unzipped the hoodie and his reaction took a few seconds to sink in. I told him the whole story and he hugged me and was really happy, even though it was not planned quite yet. 

After the excitement, I was very, very stressed out because I realized that right around the time we conceived, I had received a DTAP shot at the Doctor's office. You are not supposed to get them if you think you are pregnant or are going to become pregnant within the next month. I was hesitant to get it at first because I honestly didn't know if I would become pregnant because we weren't using any prevention but the doctor said it would be fine and I gave in. Well come to find out, I could have had a miscarriage from the shot and thank goodness I didn't! My midwives said if anything were to happen, it would have happened in the first few weeks so everything is fine now. 
We decided to tell my parents, my Grandma and our 3 best friends and that was it. No one else knew. We planned a big announcement at Gus' birthday party when all our close friends and family would be there. It didn't quite go as planned. People didn't catch on to what we were trying to tell them at first...I think next time we are just going to bring out a huge banner that says "Wendy is pregnant". But despite that, we were so happy to share our special news with all the friends and family that were there that day! Most of those people have been by our side this entire first year with Gus so we wanted to make the announcement special for them, too!

Last Wednesday was our first prenatal appointment and we got to hear the heartbeat, which put me at ease that everything is fine! It was a nice strong, healthy heartbeat! My official due date is  December 26th by their calculations. Could be a Christmas baby, could be a New Year's baby. Either way I can't wait to have a wonderful out of hospital labor experience again! And this time it should go MUCH faster!!! 

Joel is convinced it's a girl this time around but I am feeling it might be another boy again. I am almost 12 weeks along and I have been nauseous pretty much all day long with this pregnancy. With August, I would be nauseous every once in awhile, but not like this. The morning of his birthday party I was really feeling crappy because I hadn't gotten much sleep and I was gagging every 2-3 minutes while trying to get stuff ready for the party. It was no fun. The trick is to eat as soon as I wake up and then to eat every 2-3 hours and it really does lessen the nausea. 
Our girl name is sort of kind of settled on and is Scarlet Georgia Scout. But it may change. Scarlet is becoming an awfully popular name but we still love it. And Joel LOVES the name Georgia so nothing is set in stone yet but that is the name I really like. For a boy we have the middle name settled on but still no bonafide first name. I have one I really like but Joel isn't sold on it yet....ahhh we can't agree on names! Oh well, we have plenty of time. 

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