My Boys

My Boys
August James and Phoenix Noble

Family is Love

Family is Love

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Day in the Sunshine

This weekend I quit my job as a caregiver and it was so liberating. Now that I have my Saturdays and Sundays back, we will get to spend way more time together as a family. Today was the first really sunny day in a long time so Joel and I headed out for some family fun in the sun. First stop was to see a friend of mine I went to college with and her adorable newborn daughter, Emily! She is so so cute and just itty bitty. Jenna you are a fabulous mama already! Emily is on lucky little girl! I always love being around newborns because it brings me back to the time when Gus was that tiny and makes me ready for another one! After our visit, we headed down to Hawthorne and got some yummy picnic stuff at New Seasons and the went to Laurelhurst Park. I actually had never been but it is awesome there, with a man- made duck pond, lots and lots of grassy area to sit or lay in and tons of picnic tables.
Gus was a little freaked out crawling in the grass (not sure why but it was hilarious) as you can see in some of the pictures. He liked pointing at all the doggies in the park and pointing at mama and daddy. Pointing is something new he started randomly about a week ago and now he does it all the's super cute!
Picnic time!

Duck Pond at Laurelhurst Park




my 1st chip in 2 months!!!

only Joel will get why these chips are funny

helping himself to food

funny faces

pita bread!

excited about yogurt



weirded out by the grass

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