Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Big "Thank You" to our Family and Friends!

This Sunday marked August turning 11 months old, which means that in less than a month my little baby will be a whopping 1 year old! As I think back on the last year, it seems like a whirlwind. I also am reminded of the people that are in our life that surrounded us and lifted us up to help us raise our baby boy! It takes a village to raise a child, and well, we have a large and loving village and we are blessed!
From the people who visited us at the birth center and supported us throughout my pregnancy to the family and friends who have shown their love for Gus, Joel and myself...a big thank you goes out to every single one of you! This past year has changed my life so much. I learned who all my true friends were, realized what family really means and was lucky enough to meet and grow close to some pretty dang special mama friends(and their adorable kiddos)! It is a truly amazing feeling knowing you have a support system there for you unconditionally, all of whom love your son to death!
I am looking at Gus' 1st birthday party not only as a way of celebrating his 1st year of life, but also as a way of saying thank you and showing a little appreciation for all of our family and friends! I know that cake and food will not make up for the endless support we have received from everyone, but I hope it helps!
We love and appreciate every single one of you and Gus looks forward to spending some time with his favorite people at his 1st birthday party soon!

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