Monday, April 9, 2012

How Giving Birth Naturally Made Me Stronger!

Way before I got pregnant, I knew I wanted to give birth out of hospital, without an epidural or any pain medication. It was a personal choice and one that worked for me. It was literally the best experience of my life. I went in KNOWING that my body could birth a child that is what it was MADE for, after all. I knew I could do it and I did. But what I didn't expect was the trans formative effect it would have on my entire outlook as a woman. I now know that ANYTHING I set my mind to, I can accomplish. I have that confidence that I never had before.
Labor was hard; the hardest thing I have ever done, I won't sugar coat it, but I got through it with pure sheer will, confidence in my body and hard work, support from the people I love and proper preparation.

This is the same thing I will apply to running. I have committed myself to running a 5k (my 1st 5k) on June 2nd and I have also committed to training for 8 weeks in order to accomplish my goal. Running is hard for me. I have always been intimidated by it and I still am to a certain extent. I have always gotten horrific headaches from running and have felt self conscious due to the size of my chest and not being comfortable running. I have found a fantastic sports bra and I take 2 ibuprofen before I run and it has helped tremendously with the headaches.
 I am HELL BENT on reaching this goal because even at my most athletic, I felt I struggled with running. I want to be a runner. I want to make my husband and son and family and friends proud of me for doing something that they know I hated doing in the past. I also want to reap the benefits of being in shape and losing some more weight before I get pregnant. It also helps me dramatically with stress and anxiety. When I am running everything goes out of my mind except for running and focusing on running. I love having that "me" time when I can just run and not worry or think about all the shit storms that have happened in the last 2 yrs.
This goal will require a lot of hard work and dedication, but I believe in myself and I have a fantastic support system!
I am now starting week #2 of training and during my run today, my mind was telling me to quit, but I MADE my body keep going. One foot in front of the other, no matter how slow I was running I was not going to stop until I did what I needed to do.
I truly believe I would have never attempted this if not for succeeding in my birth goal. Different things motivate different people, and for me birth transformed me and made me somewhat of a new woman. It taught me that my goals can be reached, no matter how difficult they may seem.
So here's to goals and accomplishing them one at a time! There are many more to fulfill!!!

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