Friday, November 18, 2011

The Struggle

Here I am almost 6 months post partum and I have been feeling very down about my body/looks. I have never been one to care all that much about how I look because I always know the right people will love me no matter how I look. But having a baby changes your body. And those changes come with some extreme emotions. Before I got pregnant with Gus, I got super in shape and was extremely healthy throughout my whole pregnancy which kept my weight gain to a minimum. However, since having him I have a newly found sweet tooth I NEVER had before. Add the stress of caring for and breastfeeding a newborn for the first time and it's a combo that causes weight gain and depression.
My tummy has flab on it that it has never had before. I have stretch marks across my hips and stomach from the pregnancy. My breasts went from a 36 DD to a 38 F when my milk came in. I have no time to ever put on makeup or do my hair. I rarely feel like dressing in anything but sweats. All of the above has made me feel pretty shitty about my self image lately so I decided it was time for a change. I am going cold turkey off of refined sugar and all white flour. I am eating salads twice a day and high protein low carb meals. I am also walking (with the added bonus of 16 pounds strapped to my chest) once a day for at least an hour. Eventually I would like to start doing Billy Blanks ab workouts again too. I chopped off my hair recently and dyed it a dark auburn brown. I am so lucky to have a husband that loves me no matter what I look like but I want to start feeling better about myself again. I used to be so confident and that confidence has faded. I also know that I want to be at a healthy weight before I get pregnant again (not happening yet don't worry just using it to motivate me). My goal is to lose 20 pounds and I also would love to run a half marathon and make my husband and son proud of me. I know that inner athlete is still there, buried under a layer of fat! So here's to all the mamas that struggle everyday to lose weight! It's hard work but I know you and I can do it!!

1 comment:

  1. Wendy, you are such a beautiful person, inside and out! I will never be able to express how much your friendship has impacted me- you are one of the strongest women I know! If you want to loose 20 pounds, there is no doubt in my mind that you can do it!!! Running a marathon before ME though? Hmmm, I suppose I could handle it... :) Here are a few things to watch out for while running outside: 1. Forgetting to update the old iPod Running Mix. 2. Find a dog, talk to the dog while running, run into a tree while still talking to the dog. 3. Seeing an interesting bug (centipede or other) on the running trail, bend down to play with centipede (or other bug), make other runners coming up behind you angry. 4. Running in the path of a moth or butterfly...they will attack if you get too close. And finally, 5. Ignoring the fact that your shoelace is untied.... it's not a good thing to do.
